PROCURA’s weekend of experiences and coexistence

PROCURA – Missões Claretianas is preparing for a weekend full of experiences and conviviality.

As the Delegation of Carvalhos already did on November 4 in the Sanctuary of the Heart of Mary of Carvalhos and whose funds raised will be destined in favour of the missionary projects and initiatives of PROCURA in Portugal and São Tomé e Príncipe, the Delegation of Agualva-Cacém will celebrate a ‘Magusto solidario’ on November 11 at 19.00 hours, in the celebration hall of the Church of Santa María de Agualva, which will include musical entertainment, roasted chestnuts, food and drink and a charity bingo. Likewise, the funds raised will be donated to PROCURA’s missionary projects and initiatives in Portugal and São Tomé e Príncipe. Admission is free.

In addition, the Delegation of Carvalhos celebrates a new meeting of ‘Conversas com Vida’ (Conversations with Life) this Saturday 11th November, at 21.30 in the Seminary Heart of Mary in Carvalhos with the theme “Missionary Testimonies of São Tomé e Príncipe”, a testimony of Maria do Céu Santos and Daniela Lopes about their experience in Casa Claret. Free admission.


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