Proclade Betica’s 2020 Memory

Proclade Betica has presented its 2020 Report in which, as it indicates, it invites us to build three attitudes that are summarised on its cover.

“The first is the capacity to react in the face of adversity, the need to bring all our talents into play so that rights such as education, health, work, equality… do not retreat in any corner of the world, intensifying our feeling and commitment to fraternity. The second is the impulse, the strength, the creativity, the movement… everything to promote a change that does not return us to the “normality” of indifference. Finally, thanks to so many people and social groups who have shown, through their small gestures and actions, that human beings are called to care for, accompany, welcome and collaborate in the construction of a better world for everyone”.

If you want to know more, click here.

To see Proclade Betica’s 2020 Report, click here.


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