The Sevilla-Curia community is the headquarters of the Provincial Government and, in some way, is called to be a common home and point of reference for all members of the Province. For this reason, as a community, our primary mission is carried out in two main areas: making the governance service possible and facilitating it, and being a space for hospitality, representation, and meetings for the provincial community.
In addition to this mission, some members of the community are entrusted with specific responsibilities within the context of Seville: at the Parish of Saint Anthony Mary Claret, with the Claretian Lay Movement, and in marriage ministry.
Therefore, when we reflect as a community on the reality in which we are embedded, we identify two main directions: primarily, the reality of the Province, spanning the four countries where we are present; and as the specific environment where we are located, the local reality of Seville and the Claretian presence in the city.
Currently, our community consists of six members, four of whom are entrusted with provincial tasks: Carlos Candeias, Miguel García Carreño (recently assigned to Almendralej0), Juan Carlos Monroy, Amador Núñez, Jorge Sánchez, and Manolo Segura. Some of us have to spend significant time away from home, which also shapes our community, the way we organise ourselves, and the need to nurture our relationships.
In our Community Project, we have set ourselves the goal of living rooted in faith in Christ and listening to the Word, caring for one another as brothers, and extending our hospitality to those who visit us. On a missionary level, being aware of the diversity of our commitments, we strive in all of them to be men who desire to ignite everyone with the fire of God’s love.