Penitential acts and encounters continue in our parishes

Penitential acts and acts of encounter with God continue to be the main protagonists in the parishes of our Fatima Province in these days leading up to Holy Week. We continue to review some of them:

Our Lady of Pilar Parish in Tenerife (Spain). Last Wednesday 22nd March they had the Penitential Celebration in preparation for Easter. In a simple and meaningful celebration, with appropriate songs, the participants were able to experience, as a community, the joy of God’s mercy.

Church of the Heart of Mary “Los Padres” (Almendralejo, Badajoz, Spain). The groups of Rumbo, Vuelo and Compás, in the ‘Espacio arde’, experienced a time of prayer, personal reflection and encounter with God.

Heart of Mary Parish of Las Palmas (Spain). The young people who are starting out in Christian life made their first confessions in what was a great celebration of forgiveness.


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