On the road to Easter 2021

The Carvalhos Boarding School (CIC) is counting down the days until it can meet with its students again in person, which will also mean that the situation caused by COVID-19 is improving.

For this reason, they wanted to send a message of optimism to their school community, as well as producing a video of hope which, in turn, also serves to prepare for the resurrection of the Lord. Here are their words and the video:

We walk together towards Easter. Here we have arrived, we leave with a heart renewed by the covenant with God, we leave towards a new life, committed to the construction of a world inspired by the Love of God, in the image of his Son, Jesus Christ.

We too will soon return to our HOME, but like the risen Christ, we will return stronger, transformed, rejuvenated… a better version of ourselves! a better version of ourselves!

We look forward to our reunion!

If you want to know more, click here.


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