Missionary Paella in favour of building a water tank in Zimbabwe for St. Claret Chiutsi Primary School

Once again this year, the Parish of El Pilar in Tenerife (Spain) is organising together with Proclade Canarias the Missionary Paella in favour of cooperation projects. The event will take place on Thursday 12th October at 14.00 hours, in the halls and courtyard of the parish.

The donation will be 10 euros and the profits will go towards the construction of a water tank for St. Claret Chiutsi Primary Rural School in Zimbabwe.

For those interested in collaborating and unable to attend, there is a Fila Cero in the account of Proclade Canarias, indicating in the concept “Paella Misionera”: ES60 0049 1881 4929 1018 6863. To reserve a table, please contact parroquiadelpilartenerife@gmail.com.

If you want to know more about St. Claret Chiutsi Primary School, click here.


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