Lay people with a Claretian vocation

In several of our apostolic positions there are lay people of the Lay Claretian Movement, belonging to the Claretian Family. They are for all of us brothers in the charism of our founder, Father Claret and authentic “spearheads” in the evangelizing mission in the midst of the world.

One example is Joaquín Nuñez, from the Bismillah Community, in Málaga (Spain), an actor who, among other things, received a “Goya” award a few years ago. Last March he received another recognition when he was awarded the “Biznaga de Plata” at the Malaga film festival. His words of thanks are a testimony of faith. You can see it here (especially do not miss the final part of the video, where he talks about his most important … Teacher!):

Precisely in Malaga have held a retreat last Saturday, led by the priest Vicente Esplugues, Verbum Dei. Here you have a picture of the participants.

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