Last September 8, celebrating the feast of the Nativity of our Mother Mary, two of our brothers from Zimbabwe made their first profession as Claretian missionaries.
Joseph Chingarande cmf and Xavier Chibango cmf professed their vows of chastity, poverty and obedience in Karen, Nairobi (Kenya), after having concluded their special moment of formation in the Novitiate of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, located near Nair Obi.
Fr Manuel Ogalla CMF, the person in charge of formation in Zimbabwe, accompanied them at this special moment in their lives.
The event took place in a privileged setting, the meeting of all the Major Superiors of our Congregation with the General Government. Therefore, our Provincial Superior of Fatima, Carlos Candeias CMF, also witnessed the profession.
Let us pray for them and for all the young Claretian missionaries who professed for the first time or renewed their vows.