Commentary for Sunday: XII Ordinary Time

21 June 2020. 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mt 10, 26-33

Jesus never told us that being his disciples would be something easy and pleasant, but on the contrary, he foresaw difficulties. If Jesus had problems with the religious and civil authorities, his followers could not be exempt from them: “Blessed are you when they insult you, slander you, and persecute you because of me.”
Being faithful disciples in the midst of this society, of this world, has its difficulties. The prophets (Jeremiah in the first reading), the apostles, the first Christian communities suffered persecution and martyrdom, like Jesus. The trials and difficulties of life should not frighten us, whether they come from within or from without. The message and life of Jesus and his followers clashes with the interests and values of the world in which we live.
In the face of all this, Jesus repeats to us today: “do not be afraid”. He is with us, on our side. That is why we need to put our trust in him. More in him and less in us. Without getting tired, without being ashamed of proclaiming and living what we believe. Before this society that every day seems to be more deaf and blind to Christian values, we must announce the good news with a louder voice and with a more credible life.

Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf

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