February 23rd, 2020. 7th of Ordinary Time. Mt 5, 38-48
We are constantly being made aware of the many instances of violence that are taking place in the world: terrorism, wars, gender-based violence… We are aware of them as close as possible thanks to the media, but at the same time they are far away, because although they affect us, we see them as coming from other worlds. It seems that many organizations and people with power are interested in keeping things that way, for their own benefit. Years ago I saw a film by the brilliant Mario Moreno “Cantinflas”, in which he addressed the assembly of the United Nations and told them that they had confused the words of the Carpenter of Nazareth and changed their terms, and that “love one another” had turned him into “arm yourselves against one another”.
Today, the Gospel reminds us again of Jesus’ message: “Love your enemies; return good for evil; turn the other cheek… Be perfect like your heavenly Father… Do not be like the pagans…”
What can I do? Only symbolic gestures? Will they have any impact on reality? I can start by looking at my own environment, examining my actions and attitudes, and not just abhorring distant situations. Do my relationships with others generate peace, do I provoke tension, do I hold grudges and resentments?
Difficult ideal. But only what you try is it possible. And only those who fight for peace can make a better world possible.
Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf