Commentary for Sunday: Inmaculate Conception

December 8, 2019. Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Lk 1:26-38)

For a Christian the Virgin Mary is not only a figure to whom to have devotion or to whom to address beautiful prayers. Mary is a model to follow. A complete model of life in the aspect of faith and discipleship, because she was, in many ways, the first “believer” in her son Jesus. It is true that we will always remain far from the level of identification with the Gospel that she had. Especially when we contemplate her “without sin”, “without spot”, “without blemish”, “immaculate”, as she is in today’s solemnity. But even so, the references we find of her in the New Testament are more than sufficient to establish what the existence of any baptized person should be.

To be a person who lives from the “let it be done to me according to your will” has to be the greatest aspiration of each of us. And for that, there is no other formula than the trusting surrender to God, convinced that in Him – “the Lord is with you” says the angel’s greeting – is the secret of all happiness and total joy – “rejoice” begins this message of Gabriel-.

We need people who walk with and like Mary. In the continual search for how to collaborate in the construction of a world more “in the image and likeness” of the Creator; a world of brothers and sisters, of justice, of love. Such a world is nearer each time you or I are able to believe in God’s provident and merciful designs.

And so… it is up to us to learn more from Mary!

Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf

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