Commentary for Sunday: 26th September

Mark 9, 38-43.45.47-48:


Sunday, 26th September 2021 (26th O. T.    B)


Today the Gospel tells us about the time when the apostles saw a man working miracles in the name of Jesus and wanted to stop him “because he is not one of us”. Jesus tells them to leave him alone, for those who work miracles in his name cannot be against him.

It seems that the apostles thought they “had the exclusive right”. Like many today who believe they have possession of the truth, or that the Spirit is only for the Church. We are not the only good ones. We are not the owners of the Spirit. The Spirit blows where He wills and to whom He wills. It is not a matter of us doing good (and being applauded), but of good being done, whoever it comes from. The important thing is that our world is winning the battle against evil.

The Gospel also warns us about those who scandalise. Scandal in Greek means a snare or a stumbling block. Those who hinder the weak or the simple. Jesus has very harsh words for them. Also in a personal sense, the scandal that comes from within ourselves.

Following Jesus demands radicalism. It is not easy. But we can all count on the Spirit of Jesus.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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