Commentary for Sunday: 20th June

Mark 4, 35-41:


Sunday, 20th June 2021 (12th O. T.  B)


Today the Gospel of Mark tells us that the disciples took Jesus in a boat and a storm came up, buffeted the boat and filled it with water.

In the course of our lives, we all experience situations that are more or less serious and that shake us to the point of making us doubt our principles. It can give us the impression that everything can collapse. They are waves and storms that test our fears and fatigue, our faith and our fidelity. There are those who lose all hope. We turn to God and it seems that he is asleep or that he turns a deaf ear to our prayers. He does not give us the answer we expect.

The apostles, sailors and fishermen, were afraid of that storm and turned to Jesus, who was asleep in the boat, and who answered them “Why are you so fearful? Is it because you have no faith?

How can we think that God does not want our well-being, or that he is indifferent to so much misery and so much evil? We expect an answer according to our own criteria without taking into account that God’s ways are much higher than ours, that his answer goes far beyond what we expect. But do we have that faith?

He is a God who saves and we are to trust him, to ask him to deliver us from evil. But am I involved in the solution, am I part of the answer?


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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