Commentary for Sunday: 18th December

Matthew 1, 18-24:

Sunday, 18th December 2022 (4th T A A)

This Sunday’s Gospel tells us of the angel’s announcement to St. Joseph and how he accepts God’s request and becomes the “legal” father of Jesus.

We have already experienced many “advents”, and this one is coming to an end. Next Sunday will be Christmas. It is a time of waiting for the Saviour, the promised Messiah. But there are many who put their hope in other things, in other values, in other people. There are also those who do not hope for anything or anyone. They are so comfortable in their present that they do not care about the future. This does not apply to them. They are not aware of the need to be saved, especially from ourselves.

We believers recognise in Jesus the Saviour sent by God. He is the only one who can save us from our fears, from our selfishness, from our emptiness. He is the one who can make us open ourselves to others.

Today, Saint Joseph shows us the way. In his simplicity, his goodness, his righteousness, he receives the message of the angel and welcomes Mary and Jesus, the Saviour, into his home. He shows us that God still needs human beings, him, Mary, us, me, to be able to carry out his plan of salvation. May the hopeful expectation be the one that fulfils our best Christmas wishes.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf

He needs you to carry out his plan of salvation


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