Commentary for Sunday: 16th October

Luke 18, 1-8:

Sunday, October 16th, 2022 (29th OT C)


Once again Jesus uses a parable to share his teachings with us. The evangelist tells us that he told it “to explain to his disciples how they should pray always and not lose heart”. The parable is that of the defenceless widow who demands justice from an unjust judge and does not give up until she is satisfied.

We usually read this parable as an invitation to perseverance in prayer. But we can also read it from another perspective, following the words that move to action and which Jesus himself repeats: Do justice. The widow in the parable is an example of how to fight for justice. In spite of her inferiority before the judge, she does not cease in her efforts to see that justice is done. “Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of justice”, Jesus said. This woman’s faith, her trust in God, leads her not to give up in the face of injustice, to continue in her struggle. That is why Jesus will say: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find this faith on earth?

There are many situations in our society, in our lives, in which we see how those who have the least possibilities are those who suffer the most. And there are many Christians who prefer to live a spirituality without commitment, which allows them to live in peace in the welfare society. But the welfare of only a few. When the Son of Man comes, will he find in us followers who strive to make present in their lives the Kingdom of love, justice and peace?


Juan Ramon Gomez Pascual, cmf

Do you give up in your faith?


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