Commentary for Sunday: 11th July

Mark 6, 7-13:


Sunday, 11th July 2021 (15th OT B)


This Sunday’s Gospel tells us how Jesus sent out the twelve, two by two. After a time of living with him and hearing his message, Jesus gives them authority and sends them out to continue his work of evangelisation. He gives them authority over unclean spirits and clear practical recommendations, implying a firm trust in the Master’s word. They went out to preach conversion and by their signs made the Kingdom of God present.

Like the apostles, we too, as followers of Jesus and perpetuators of his work, are sent. That is why I would like to dwell for a moment on the reading from St. Paul to the Ephesians and draw attention to it, because I do not know if we as Christians are aware of its profound content. We have been chosen by God. Personally, one by one, with our name and surname and personal circumstances. God has taken notice of me and proposes to me a path of personal fulfilment, through love.

In this society that suffers the consequences of a permanent crisis of values, we cannot remain alone with our complaints. We Christians, ME, must make present the hope, the faith, the solidarity of those who are convinced that God’s love cannot fail us. We have been chosen for a great cause. And we have to make it a reality in our lives. Let us trust in him, who is the one who sends us.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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