Matthew 11, 2-11:
Sunday, 11th December 2022 (3rd Advent A)
From prison, John the Baptist, the one who had pointed Jesus out as the Messiah, now sends disciples to ask him a question: Are you the one who was to come or should we wait for another? Jesus answered, “Go and tell John what you are seeing and hearing….
Jesus answers with a hint: let him look around him and recognise the signs: “the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk… the Good News of the Gospel is preached to all”. Signs that the Kingdom of God is near.
Everyday events and their routine raise doubts about some aspects of our lives. Doubt generates impatience and uncertainty. Then we need a sign to revive our hope.
In the face of doubt, in the face of impatience, we need to look around us and discover the signs that manifest themselves in the midst of the circumstances of our life and our society. If we are able to see them, our doubts will be dispelled. We must recognise the Lord who is coming. This will fill us with joy and optimism. Furthermore, we have a commitment to show these signs in our environment. God needs us to continue to realise the signs of his presence in our days. It is not an easy task, which is why the prophet Isaiah tells us (1st reading): “Strengthen the weary hands, strengthen the trembling knees; say to the restless: be strong, do not be afraid. Behold, your God… is coming in person and will save you”.
Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf
Do I keep alive the signs of the Kingdom of God?