An active Christmas for the students of Colegio Claret de Don Benito

During the Christmas and New Year holidays, there has been time to recharge energies, but also to carry out solidarity and coexistence activities, as is the case of the students of Claret School in Don Benito.

Thus, a group of animators and monitors enjoyed a camping trip to the hermitage of La Antigua (La Haba) where, in addition to hiking, there was time for training, games, prayer and a lot of joyful coexistence.

In addition, the young people of the Brotherhood of the ‘Borriquita’ of Don Benito, of which many students of the school are part, delivered to Caritas Don Benito all the food that was collected during the Advent campaign in the Parish of San Juan Bautista. They also collaborated by taking cleaning and hygiene products donated by the educational community of the Claret School of Don Benito.


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