18th December: International Migrants Day

December 18 is International Migrants Day. Throughout human history, migration has been a courageous expression of individual determination to overcome adversity and seek a better life.

Globalization, along with advances in communications and transportation, has increased the number of people who have the desire and ability to move to other places. This new era has created challenges and opportunities for societies around the world, and in turn has served to underline the link between migration and development, as well as the opportunities it offers for co-development, i.e. the improvement of economic and social conditions at both origin and destination.

We together’ is the slogan chosen for 2020. It focuses on stories of social cohesion as varied as each of the people who make the decision to change country, or are forced to leave their homes by different circumstances. We learn together, we live together, we work together or we play together, because it is the only way to move forward in society.

If you want to know more, click here.


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