Biblical pastoral ministry in St. Joseph Parish of Leyton (London)

And he said to them, “Go into the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation” (Mk 16: 15).

At St. Joseph’s parish in Leyton (UK) they have been developing a programme of biblical pastoral ministry lived in groups since December 2017. Its aim is to provide pastoral care and attention to the spiritual needs of the faithful and thus strengthen the faith in our parish community.

They launched two Bible study groups, with children and parents and adults participating on Fridays and Mondays respectively.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impossibility of having face-to-face meetings, an online session was launched. As a result of the biblical pastoral care implemented, the study of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John was completed before the outbreak of the pandemic.

At the start of this academic year they have initiated a new phase of biblical pastoral ministry by starting an online course on “Discovering the Hebrew Bible – Torah (from the creation stories to the story of Joseph)” through ‘Google Meet’ to proclaim the Word of God to the faithful who wish to join in.

Currently there are about 30-45 participants attending and benefiting from this course.

We convey our congratulations, particularly to Fr. Bijoy Chandra Nayak, for this initiative so in tune with our charism.


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