Take care of your family: Decide how each family member will “wash the feet” of the rest of the family during this Week.

PALM SUNDAY (Mt 27, 11-54)

When we contemplate the PASSION OF JESUS -from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem to his passion, death and resurrection-, we receive a whole catechesis of what must be our Christian life, always starting with family and those closest to us. Life from faith can have no other translation than love, service, and acceptance of the events that occur in our daily lives… and all of this with the example of the one who has done and accepted it, motivated exclusively by fidelity to the Father and to our humanity.
To the extent that in our homes we replicate time and time again this “Easter road” we will be closer to the “life in fullness” that Jesus came to announce to us.

In this Holy Week, so special because of the confined situation, each member of the family will decide how to “wash the feet” of the other members of the family.

PIlar López and Joaquín Devolx


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