Serving the Word: Mt 16, 13-19

Matthew 16, 13-19:
“You are the Christ the Son of the living God”.

Peter’s profession of faith is the foundation of the church. His profession of faith in Jesus as Messiah is for us a paradigm and model of our own profession of faith in Jesus.
For us also Jesus is the Son of the living God and the Messiah.
To believe in Jesus as the Messiah is to believe that he reveals to us the goodness of God the Father who makes history.
To believe in Jesus as the Son of the living God is to believe that he can give us a dignified life.
It is to believe in the generous commitment.
It is to believe in solidarity, in forgiveness, in coherence and fidelity.
To believe in Jesus leads us to leave our own interests and selfishness, to go out to others.
Today, it would be good that you answer the following questions:
*Who is Jesus for me?
*What does he mean in my life?
*Do I discover God’s will for me through Jesus?
*Do I have the courage to follow Jesus with all its consequences?
*How can I become a builder of the Kingdom of God that Jesus came to install?
Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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