Serving the Word: MT 13: 31-35


Matthew 13, 31-35:
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed… the kingdom of heaven is like yeast.”

We return to the commentary we made on another occasion on this same gospel.
And we return to the little things. To the tiny mustard seeds and the yeast that makes the dough rise.
To that which can hardly be seen but which can be felt and noticed when it is missing.
It is the little details, the smiles that are given, the hugs that truly express affection, a word of encouragement, blessing and comfort?
These small things are what build up the Kingdom of God because they are like that little bit of yeast that makes the dough rise.
They are also like that little brick that is insignificant in the construction of a gigantic tower but that is essential for its construction.
Pray again today with this passage from the Gospel and ask the Lord again to hear your appeal today to be mustard seed or yeast wherever you are, so that through you the Kingdom of God may grow.
Good day.

Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf

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