Serving the Word: Lk 15: 1-3.11-32


Luke 15, 1-3.11-32:
“Let us feast, for this my son was dead and is alive again, he was lost, and we have found him.

In this part of the Gospel, different people appear:
1: a father who is forever waiting for his son,
2: a son leaving his father’s house,
3: a jealous and complaining brother,
4: a domestic staff…
Everyone acts, almost everyone utters words, makes gestures, expresses feelings…
If you had to choose a protagonist, which one would you choose?
I wouldn’t choose any of these characters as protagonists.
For me, the true protagonist of this parable is the MERCY OF THE FATHER.
+ is the true home to which the absent Son returns,
+ is the true lap in which he is welcomed,
+ is the true heart in which he feels loved and cherished,
+ is the true banquet in which this lost son will again find joy…
Throughout today, read this parable as often as you can. Savour it. And feel like that prodigal son: Immersed in the MERCY of your Father.
RETURN. Be reconciled with God. The Father always wants you back.
Good day.

Antonio Maria Sanjuan Marin, cmf

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