Serving the Word: 11th November


Luke 16, 9-15

“He who is trustworthy in the small things is trustworthy also in the important things; he who is not honest in the small things is not honest either in the important things”.

We sometimes think of heroes as people who perform great deeds. If this were so, few people could be awarded the title of heroism. We would miss countless heroic people who in the hidden and the small are making of their lives a continuous act of heroism and fidelity:

– Mothers who fight hard to bring up their children,

– People who day after day, and in the midst of multiple occupations, take care of a sick relative,

– Volunteers in various organisations, NGOs and many other institutions who give to others precisely the time they do not have to spare.

– Catechists, APJs and so many other people who are faithful on a daily basis in a small way, but who do great things for others. It is all these men and women who have discovered that true service and true fidelity to God and to others are in these seemingly small things.

They are the ones who constantly remind us and encourage us to live the beautiful adventure of heroism. To be a hero today and every day.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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