Commentary for Sunday: 28th November

Luke 21, 25-28.34-36


Sunday, 28th November 2021 (1st Advent  C)


We begin the season of Advent. A time to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord. The first, at Christmas. The second and last, at the end of time. We are in the time “between the two comings of Christ”. A time of waiting and hope.

The Gospel text can make us lose perspective if we only focus on the words of Jesus announcing the end of the world with great cataclysms (apocalyptic language of the time), and we do not emphasise the important thing, which he then announces: “Then you will see the Son of Man coming with great power and glory. When this happens, lift up your heads; your deliverance is at hand”.

The other readings of the day, from Jeremiah and Paul, reinforce this saving proclamation.

For the Christian the end of the world will be the world finally finished, rebuilt and recreated in justice, peace and love. In the face of the present situation of the world, it is our reason for hope.


Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf


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