Serving the Word: John 7, 1-2.10.25-30

John 7, 1-2.10.25-30:

“Then, as Jesus taught in the temple, he cried out”.


Jesus foresees the final outcome of his life in Jerusalem.

And on the Jewish feast of Tabernacles he goes up qiuietly to the Holy City.

But, once there, he could not silence the truth and, without any fear, he begins to teach in the temple.

He even cries out when he needs to talk of the Father, so that all may know God’s plans.

If only we were all so free to speak of God as Jesus was.

If only we all could give openly and without fear witness to our faith.

Sometimes we are cowardly and we hide ourselves away so as not to be identified when we have to cry out.

And we are the voice of Jesus today. And that voice has to be heard clearly in the midst of other voices which in our world shout out just the opposite.

Do not be cowardly when you have to cry out about God, brotherhood, justice, forgiveness, Jesus…

Don’t be shackled or blocked by fear when you have to talk about your Father.

Talk about your faith and the action of God in your life without any fear.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Marin, cmf


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