Serving the Word: 1st June


Matthew 26, 36-42:

“My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will”.


Jesus once said that his will was always to do the will of the Father who sent him.

This rule of life brought him many problems and many difficulties.

For it is the will of the Father that every human being, who is his child, should have life and have it in abundance.

Jesus fought against everything that stood in the way of the fullness of human life.

This led him to die crucified on a cross. But at no time did he fail to do the will of the one who sent him.

In your life and mine we also encounter difficulties in giving life to the full.

These are moments when we also have to try to do the will of the Father, even though these moments may be difficult for us.

Ask the Lord today for the strength to always be that faithful son or daughter who does their Father’s will.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuán Cmf


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