Experiences in communication of the centres of our Province

Some schools in our Province of Fatima have recently had different experiences with the local media in which they have learned and been very satisfied with the values they have been able to learn and demonstrate. We tell you about them:



The newspaper “Melhor Escola” (Best School) of the Colégio Internato dos Carvalhos (CIC), a supplement to the newspaper “O Gaiense”, produced by a team of students from the school, has been on sale since 4th February. This project, now in its 7th edition, in collaboration with the newspaper “O Gaiense” and the City Council of V. N. de Gaia, challenges the secondary schools of the municipality to produce a supplement to this newspaper.

The “Melhor Escola” initiative, despite being a competition, promotes a different way of looking at society and the world in the students who take part: it is an excellent opportunity to exercise active citizenship and to be the protagonists of their own education. This is the main reason why CIC has been involved in this initiative from the beginning.

As a complement to our newspaper, when you buy it at any newsstand, you will also be able to access, through a “QR Code” on the front page, a “Podcast” made by two members of CIC’s “Melhor Escola” team, a way of integrating new technologies into the written press (click here to see it).

We join the school in thanking all the people who have collaborated in this “journalistic adventure”. Happy reading!


The Claret School in Seville had a special session and visit. In the Biology and Geology class in the 1st year of Baccalaureate, a session was held on the effect of climate change and human action on the alteration of ecosystems as important for the preservation of biodiversity as wetlands. Using educational videos, the students discussed what specific human causes and activities in the context of climate change are causing the loss of ecosystems and what individual and collective actions we can take for their conservation.

A film crew from Canal Sur Televisión recorded the class session in the classroom, interviewing different pupils from the group and Mr. Javier Sánchez-M. Fontenla, Biology and Geology teacher of several groups of ESO and Baccalaureate. The report was broadcasted last January 28th on Canal Sur’s programme ‘Espacio Protegido’ and on Andalucía TV (it can be found on Canal Sur’s website in ‘A la Carta’ – click here to watch it).


Four fourth year ESO students from Colegio Claret Las Palmas (Laura Pérez, Irene Guerra, Yaiza Martín and Fátima Santana) took part in the day-to-day work of the newspaper Canarias7 as part of the school’s ‘Work Experience’ programme. Having chosen the profession of journalism, they were invited by the media to live the experience of, for three days, having the opportunity to get to know the routine of a journalist thanks to Vanesa and José (here you can see the article with their experience).

In addition, the school’s Economics teacher, María Dolores Sosa, talked to the students of the 2nd year of Bachillerato about career opportunities as part of the Claret School’s career guidance programme. They also participated in ‘La Buchaca’, a podcast focused on economics and financial education that is broadcast on Canarias Radio (click here to access Episode 127 on Ivoox).


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