Meeting of Major Superiors and General Government in Nairobi (Kenya)

Under the theme ‘Rooted and Audacious’, the Meeting of Major Superiors and General Government is being held from 5 to 17 September in Nairobi (Kenya). It is an important congregational event, significant after the last General Chapter held last year.

During these days, the Major Superiors of our Congregation and the General Government meet to reflect on the invitation of the General Chapter to question ourselves on how we can together ensure that the Congregation lives its vocation in the Church with credibility and joy. Moreover, as the Superior General underlines in his letter of introduction, Fr. Mathew Vattamattam CMF, “one of the main concerns of this meeting is to attune ourselves to the Dream of God, which we have prayerfully envisioned together during the General Chapter”.

You can keep up to date with what is happening at the meeting here.

We pray for the smooth running of the meeting.


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