PJV Spain Team ends its presence in the Canary Islands

The PJV_ Spain Team has spent three weeks in the Canary Islands. On the one hand, it carried out activities and lived together in Teror with the secondary and high school classes, as well as spending a weekend with the APJs of the Parish, visiting the Board of Claret Aire Libre and CAL, and participating in other activities of parish and school life.

He also participated in the Eucharist with children in the Parish Nuestra Señora de la Paz de la Rehoya, where he had a fraternal encounter with the Claretian community.

On the weekend of November 26-28 he was also present in Tenerife, where they enjoyed, together with the APJs, the first coexistence with children of the Claret Youth of the Parish of El Pilar after the pandemic of COVID-19, after two years, which was attended by about 40 children and adolescents and young people and took place in an atmosphere of joy, cordiality and familiarity. In addition, on Sunday morning there was a training session with the APJs, which ended with a meal. The formative sharing dealt with the theme 1 of the formation that is being given in the Province of Fatima on the theme of ‘Adaptation’.

At present he is preparing the spiritual exercises that will take place from 3 to 6 December in Loja (Granada) and new presences and activities for the end of the year, as well as thinking about the second trimester of the course.


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