Serving the Word: 1st December


Matthew 15, 29-37:

“Jesus went up on the mountain and sat down. Many people came to him, bringing the crippled, the blind, the lame, the deaf and dumb, and many others; they threw themselves at his feet and he cured them.

He took the seven loaves and the two fish, said the thanksgiving, broke them, and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people”.


The mountain is considered in the Bible as a place of encounter with God.

Today we read in the gospel that Jesus goes up the mountain and sits there.

And on that mountain, Jesus meets the people and approaches the people in two ways:

1: HEALING: to Jesus come the crippled, the blind, the lame, the deaf and dumb and many others. And everyone who meets him is healed.

2: FEEDING: He broke the loaves, gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate their fill.

Seek also during this Advent season to encounter Jesus more deeply:

1: COME UP to the mountain of prayer, and of the sacrament of forgiveness (confession). Present to Jesus your sicknesses, your deafnesses, your blindnesses, … Cast yourself at his feet. He will heal you. You will feel welcomed, loved and forgiven.

2: GO UP to the mountain of the Eucharist. Saturate yourself with the life of Jesus. Join Him in the bread that is his body. You will be filled with eternal life.

3: SHARE YOURSELF with others: your time, your goods, your joy …

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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