Serving the Word: Mk 5: 1-20

Mark 5, 1-20:
“Go home to your people and tell them all that the Lord in his mercy has done for you”

The Gospel today tells us that, from among the tombs, a man runs to meet Jesus and kneeling before him asks to be healed.
He is a man who, although alive, is dead: “he lived in the tombs” and always, “all night and all day he would walk among the tombs”.
The power of Jesus brings out from him the diabolical possession that binds him and the people of that place find him, ’sitting with Jesus, clothed and in his full senses’.
How often in our lives ‘do we live and walk among the tombs’, live and walk in sadness, in despair, in fear, in disillusion, in hatred, in rancour.
Today run quickly towards Jesus and kneel down before him.
Jesus is stronger than all your ‘deaths’ and all your ‘tombs’.
And Jesus will also say to all that entombs you: ‘Unclean spirit, come out of this man’!
You can joyfully recall what the Lord does for you and the compassion and mercy that he has always had and has for you.
Good day

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf

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