Take care of your family: Have a conversation with the family member who is having a hard time to encourage them.

SUNDAY V LENT (Jn 11, 3-7.20-27.33b-45)
Lazarus coming out of the darkness of the tomb into the light, at the summons of the voice of Christ… What a timely image of what is happening in the world now! And can’t our families also live part of that darkness? Are we being overcome by fears, by despair, by weariness? Lazarus came out, moreover, taking weak steps and still trapped by the wrappings of his shroud. Doesn’t that remind us of the “shrouds” with which we can face the present moment in our homes? Aren’t there many “wrappings” that hinder us from living fully through Jesus, who is the LIGHT, the LIFE, the NON-FEAR

Have a conversation with the family member who is having the worst time to encourage them.

Alicia del Pozo and Francisco Bonachera

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