Commentary for Sunday: III Advent

December 15, 2019. Third Sunday in Advent (Mt 11:2-11)

The events of each day and their routine make us wonder about some aspects of our life. Doubt generates impatience and uncertainty. Then we need a signal to reactivate our hope.
John the Baptist, who had pointed out Jesus as the Messiah, now asks him a question: are you the one who had to come or should we wait for someone else?
Jesus answers with a hint: look around and recognize the signs: “the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk…the Good News of the Gospel is proclaimed to all”.
In the face of doubt, in the face of impatience, we have to look around and discover the signs that manifest themselves in the midst of the circumstances of our life and our society. If we are able to see them, our doubts will dissipate. We must recognize the approaching Lord. This will fill us with joy and optimism. In addition, we are committed to showing these signs in our environment. We will be making Christmas.
Juan Ramón Gómez Pascual, cmf

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