Luke 1, 26-38:
“Here is the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word”.
The angel announces to Mary the incarnation of God in her womb and Mary responds with “LET IT BE DONE”. We read at the beginning of the book of Genesis how God pronounces “LET IT BE DONE” and creation comes out of nothing. But the creation that came out of God’s “LET IT BE DONE” was spoiled by man. What God was saying was good, man, who at the beginning was very good, spoiled it.
Another “LET IT BE DONE” was necessary. So that everything, from Mary’s womb, would again be good or very good as it was in the beginning.
In Mary a new creation begins. In Mary’s womb a new humanity begins to take shape, and from there also a new creation according to God’s plan.
Today you also pronounce your LET IT BE DONE with great faith, with great love and with great dedication, so that the new creation that began in Mary’s womb may continue to be realised in you and, through you, also in the whole of creation.
Let go of your fears and open, like Mary, your heart to availability and trust in God.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf