Serving the Word: 2nd April


John 7, 40-53:

“No one has ever spoken like this man”.


No one is indifferent to Jesus.

In this Gospel people argue about him.

While the simple people approve of him, the Pharisees and religious leaders reject him.

While some say that “no one has ever spoken like this man”, others claim that “no prophets come out of Galilee”.

The religious leaders try to eliminate him because Jesus makes them uncomfortable.

With Jesus many of their assurances are shattered. For them he cannot be a prophet.

For the townspeople he is really “the prophet”.

Stand before Jesus today, he offers himself to you, he will never stand against you.

Let yourself be seduced by him, by his person, by his deeds, by his words….

For you, “no one will ever speak like this man”. Open yourself to his person and to his message of salvation.

And really think: What is stronger in you, the message of Jesus or the message of the world?

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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