Luke 13, 22-30:
“Strive to enter through the narrow gate.”
This is what Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel. Something very different from what the criteria of our society tell us today. A society of well-being, of comfort, of minimum effort, of convenience….
Certainly everything that improves our quality of life must be seen as coming from God who, as a good Father, loves us and cares for us.
The bad thing is when we want to water down and decaffeinate the Gospel and adapt it to our whims and comforts. If we tear out the ” inconvenient pages ” of the Gospel, we may be left with only the empty covers.
The Gospel is life and it is also demanding. And above all in that which is most difficult for us, which is our relationships with others. Forgiveness, gratuitous self-giving, unconditional acceptance and so many other demands of Jesus’ message are hard for us. Try never to diminish the power of the new wine that the Gospel brings us.
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf