Luke 21, 29-33:
“Know that the Kingdom of God is at hand”.
So close is this Kingdom that we have it in our hearts.
This should fill us with joy and hope.
There are many evident signs of God’s constant presence in our lives.
Without ceasing and everywhere, there are those “fig trees” of which the Gospel speaks to us today, sprouting shoots full of life and hope.
You yourself are that “fig tree” that grows vigorously, showing God’s presence among us.
Whenever self-giving, sacrifice for others, silent and continuous service, mercy, forgiveness and peace sprout from you, the Kingdom of God also grows, and you make God’s presence possible in you and in others.
Learn to recognise his presence in yourself and in those around you.
Sow and cultivate your faith with joy and love so that out of your heart will come forth shoots of life and hope.
Good day.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf