Serving the Word: 20th January


Mark 3, 13-19:

“Jesus went about calling those whom he wanted, and they went with him…. And he made them his companions, to send them out to preach with power to cast out demons”.


The call of Jesus is not only by word and voice. It is also a call preceded by affection. It is a call that comes from his heart.

Therefore, it is not an impersonal call but a very personalised call.

He calls each and every person by name. Because he loves each and every one.

The first thing Jesus wants with his call is that those who are called be with him, that they be his companions, that they live his same life and his same aspirations.

And then, that they participate in his same mission, which is to proclaim the Gospel and to fight against everything that oppresses the human person.

+ Have you ever stopped to think that you too are on Jesus’ list?

+ Have you ever thought that you are also in his heart and that he wants to make you his companion so that you can be with him?

+ Have you ever thought that he wants to send you too to preach, with the power to cast out “demons”?


Spend some time today discovering and savouring this call. And enjoy this time feeling that you are a companion of Jesus.

Good day to you.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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