Serving the Word: 17th May

TUESDAY 17th MAY 2022

John 14, 27-31a:

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you”.


The peace that we seek between countries, between different political groups, between ourselves, is often given to us by a treaty or a pact that can be broken at any moment.

The peace that we sometimes have among ourselves can be achieved by a balance of power that we keep so as not to hurt each other, but which can also be broken at any moment.

The peace that I have with myself is often brought to me by the absence of problems.

But the peace that Jesus gives me and gives us is something else.

It is not based on a treaty or a balance of power or an absence of problems.

The peace that Jesus gives us is based on truth, love, justice, forgiveness, freedom, cleanness of heart and all the other values of the Gospel.

Ask today for the peace that the Lord gives us for yourself and for the whole world.

Ask for that harmony that makes us feel at peace with God, with all of nature, with all people and with ourselves.

May the peace of the Lord be with you today and always.

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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