Luke 7, 24-30:
“All the people, even the tax collectors, who had received John’s baptism, blessed God. But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, who had not accepted his baptism, frustrated God’s plan for them”.
Not everyone understood the meaning of John’s mission and the significance of his baptism.
John was the messenger who would go before Jesus preparing his way.
If the Pharisees and the teachers of the law did not understand the person and mission of Jesus, they could not understand John either.
During these days of Advent we are all preparing the way of the Lord. Turn to John the Baptist to understand the meaning of that preparation for the coming of the Lord.
John the Baptist gives us lessons in austerity, in simplicity, in going to the basics, to the essentials….
Do not prepare the way of the Lord on the basis of consumption, of ostentation, of coloured lights that go no further.
Prepare the way of the Lord from authentic joy, from solidarity, from love for the needy, from your deep prayer in encounter with God….
In this way you will understand John’s mission, you will prepare the authentic way to Christmas and God’s plan for you will not be frustrated.
Good day to you.
Antonio Sanjuan Cmf