Serving the Word: 12th July

TUESDAY 12th JULY 2022

Matthew 11, 20-24:

Jesus began to reproach the cities where he had done almost all his miracles, because they had not been converted”.

Today would be a good occasion to stop for a while and review, even if only in passing, the many “miracles” that God has done and continues to do in you and in each one of us.

Continuous miracles that we hardly notice.

And it would also be a good occasion for you, as well as acknowledging them, to be grateful for them. Because it is good

nature to be grateful.

Ask the Lord to teach you to appreciate all that you have received from Him and raise your hands and heart to him with a grateful look.

Be grateful for the “miracle of life”, for the “miracle of love”, for the “miracle of friendship”, for the “miracle of work”,

the “miracle of the family”, the “miracle of being able to enjoy a few days of rest”, the miracle of…

Good day.

Antonio Sanjuan Cmf


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