Serving the Word: 11th December


Matthew 11, 16-19:

“This generation is like children sitting in the marketplace, crying out to one another: We have played the flute, but you have not danced; we have sung dirges, but you have not wept.”


There are people who are never satisfied with what others do. They always have the “but” at hand and on their lips.That is why Jesus advises us to always act from the wisdom of God.

If we try to have our lives always governed by that wisdom, we can never be afraid of being criticized or rejected or persecuted.

From our faith, our intention and attention is not focused on pleasing men but God.

We should never care about “what they will say”, about the opinion of the people around us or about false and flattering applause.

Our paths are marked out by God and with Him we walk them.

Ask the Lord today for his wisdom in walking them.

Good day.

Antonio María Sanjuán Marín, cmf


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